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11. The lesson
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11. The lesson

Jul 25, 2014 by

On my return to the damp grey climate of England I once again got wrapped up in my work and my deadlines that had become increasingly stressful, and It was about this time I was approached by the Alton Towers theme park. They wanted to produce a book called Adventures of Henry Hound. I needed a break and what better than a days pass checking...

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12. Life in California
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Came 1993  and there i was sitting in my office and staring out at the grey skys above England when we decided to move to the U.S. of A and the sunny, warm climate of California, and that is what we did. getting all my publishers to think that I was still in the UK was  another matter. But I kept up the daily calls...

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13. The rise of the E-book
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It was in these first few California months that I split up from my wife and spent a year of communal living. I tried to blend in with my new friends and places, I dated and kept my mind on other things, like scuba diving, psychology lessons, more dating and buying houses more dating and getting into another marriage that lasted a mere two years. and...

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14. Breadcrumb Books is Born
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The rise of . . . Work began to lose impetus and although I still had deadlines to deal with, my schedule tended to be punctuated by trips to the beach, drinking lots of coffee and the study of social networking, which is still a mystery to me!  If I offend anyone it is really unintentional and I assure you I am committed...

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